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One Church - Multiple Campuses
LCM is one church with multiple locations. Our campuses are chosen and designed to connect people to Jesus and one another by loving where we are. We believe bringing the church to more communities is a great way for everyone in our faith community to reach more people with Jesus’ love. We strive to meet people where they are and look to reach out and not build up in one location. Our campuses serve the specific needs of the areas in which they are located.
LCM History
On June 29, 1959, Pastor Robert DeYoung, newly ordained, arrived in Omaha to organize a church in the southwest part of the city. First services were held in a dance studio, and later in a former tavern. Ground was broken at the 114th and Center location on May 29, 1960, and the first worship service was held in it less than seven months later. In January of 1961, the congregation became self-supporting.
The congregation was formally organized on December 6, 1959 with 78 baptized members. Ten years later, baptized membership totaled 1,325. To keep up with steady growth, LCM built a second wing, dedicated on May 24, 1964. Three years later a fund drive for a main sanctuary, and the new structure was dedicated on June 7, 1970. Additional expansions took place and were dedicated on April 10, 1983. In late 1990s, LCM concluded that the size of the church building and the inability to expand parking was negatively impacting ministry, but a significant number of members did not want to leave the building. The final decision was to become a dual site church-one church at two locations. 28 acres of land was purchased at 180th and Dodge in 2003 and phase one of the new church facility was completed in 2006.
In 2001, LCM became a founding member of the LCMC (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ, as they tried unsuccessfully to make changes to the ELCA. It was voted to leave the ELCA effective September 1, 2002.
LCM became a designated teaching center for the Institute of Lutheran Theology in 2008. It also started a Nuer Language ministry for members of the South Sudanese community in 2014. This community would become its own recognized LCMC congregation in 2017.